General terms and conditions:
According to the Artech-International constitution, membership is open to individuals with an interest in computer arts latu sensu. Individuals who are in full time education may become student members. Organisations may apply for institutional membership.
Applications for membership are to be made through the electronic application form.
Admission to Membership of the Association is decided by the Executive Board and ratified by Association’s General Assembly. Membership becomes only effective when the relevant fees have been paid.
The membership fee is determined by the General Assembly of the Association. The application form lists the current rates.
Membership is always for full calendar years, commencing in the year the application was made. If you join in November or December, however, the first membership fee covers already the following year, i.e. the first one or two months are free.
Termination of membership:
Membership shall be terminated:
- upon resignation given in writing to the Executive Board of the Association
- upon failure to pay the annual membership fee within 15 days of the stipulated deadline
- upon expulsion by the Executive Board.